Probability in Tarot: Interesting Divine Math

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Over the years, I’ve been journaling the pulls with each of my spreads (daily, weekly, monthly, etc…). What I noticed is that some cards were ‘repeat offenders’ during different stages of my journey. Within one month I pulled the Tower 3 times (all upright as well)… Needless to say, I had quite a bit of chaos that month! 

But this got me thinking upon my latest repeat pull. Typically every Sunday/Monday I do a spread for the energy for the week. Recently, I’ve been trying to use a newer deck of mine to feel its energy and get a sense of the cards and their messages. For the energy of the week pull, I used the Crystal Visions deck on Sunday, and wrote out my spread. I noted that I pulled the Seven of Swords for the ‘midweek’ card (for me, it strongly means Wednesday) in that week’s spread. Then, on that Wednesday, I used the Light Seer’s deck…and again the 7 of Swords! This got me thinking (not only about the upcoming betrayal or deceit I need to keep my eyes open for), but what are the odds of that happening? Not only was it the same card, in the same position, but using 2 totally different decks. My math brain got to work.

Noting that a standard Tarot deck uses 78 cards, that gave me a 1 in 78 chance of pulling a card. But then, when you factor in that reversed cards count as a ‘different’ outcome, that brings it up to a 1 in 156 chance of pulling a card in a position. Now, to do the same thing twice in a row is multiplying those odds against each other. The fact that I used 2 different decks doesn’t mean anything in ‘math law’…but it does seem to be an interesting tidbit.

Math as follows:

1/156 = 0.0064 (or 0.64%)

0.0064 x 0.0064 = 0.000041 (or 0.0041%)

0.0041% are the odds of pulling the same card, in the same position, twice in a row. Alternatively, it is a 1 in 24336 ‘chance’. For comparison, the odds of getting a Straight Flush in poker is 0.0014%. So, while not impossible, it is VERY unlikely. But lastly, is the fact that this card was resonating extremely strongly on that day in particular. The logical part of my brain can’t fully explain it. My spiritual side was fully embracing my intuition and was in a way vindicated. Throughout my spiritual journey, I have questioned (and still do sometimes) to try and find a ‘logical explanation’ for certain things, situations, and outcomes. Every time, I end up coming to the realization that the universe works in mysterious ways. Also, things happen for a reason, and it’s usually to benefit your Higher Self.